We work with children’s services - social care, youth justice, education and health - in England and Wales, with central government departments, and with a wide range of voluntary organisations.
Although our current work reflects the changing themes and concerns in children’s services, our approach and our aims stay the same – to make a real and lasting difference to the lives of vulnerable children.
A three-year project working with 5 local authorities to assess the needs of young people in PRUs and design, implement and evaluate ways in which teaching and non-teaching staff can develop their work in responding to the needs identified.
Commissioned by National Children's Bureau
An audit of the needs of children and families in touch with social care, health, education and a range of voluntary organisations across the city, to inform the family support strategy.
Commissioned by Cardiff City Council
A series of workshops for practitioners and managers across the LSCB focusing on analysis and assessment in preparation for the implementation of a multi-agency consultation process.
Commissioned by Caerphilly Borough Council
Acting as consultant research fellows to the team evaluating this pilot problem-solving court at the Inner-London Family Proceedings Court. The project included a descriptive study of how the pilot was set up, plus an evaluation of outcomes for children and parents whose cases are heard in the FDAC, as compared with cases dealt with through normal care proceedings.
“Your report is excellent. We couldn’t have imagined you would discover so much, so quickly. You spoke to everyone who was relevant, you analysed what they said, and you have given us some important recommendations to implement.” CAMHS commissioner